The first meeting among the experts in ArcticSkills 2018 took place at the Vocational College Lappia hosted by Antti Päivärinta and his Staff.
Officials from FI, RU, NO and SWE:
Antti Päivärinta Lappia
Sanna Lahinen Lappia
Tiisu-Maria Nakkalajärvi The Sámi Education Institute
Jelena Rudnik Murmansk
Kari Tikklala Tornedalsskolan Haparanda
Robert H Flatli AS 18
Joakim Pettersen AS 18
Opening of the meeting,
The program for the expert meeting was presented by Antti and Sanna. In addition, Antti gave the delegations a short brief about the history and the present of Vocational College Lappia.
Robert presented the Norwegian delegation and experts, the Finns presented themselves including the members at The Sámi Education Institute in Inari on audio transmission.
Jelena presented the Russian delegation and experts and Kari presented the Swedish delegation/himself.
Sanna gave the delegations an update on AS18 status;
- Antti Päivärinta is the leader of the Lappia Organizer Committee.
- The Finnish experts and Pia have planned and made a new design of the tasks and criteria’s. These documents are translated into English and will be issued to the participating nations.
- Lappia has appointed staff members to different tasks at the competition in April.
One group will take care of the competition; one group will take care of guests and VIP and so on. In addition, appointed Staff members will be responsible for accommodation, PR, transportation and so on. - Lappia has appointed students as guides at the competition.
- Lappia will arrange transportation for young students in the region to visit the competition. About 1 500 students are expected to attend.
- Opening and closing ceremony will take place in the Music Hall. The music hall can host up to 450 spectators.
Langue spoken at the ceremonies will be in Finnish and in English, only.
A Power point presentation will be available in four languages. - The opening ceremony will take place on Thuesday Apr 17th at 1800 hrs.
- After opening ceremony there will be a Team leader meeting.
- Competition AS18 will take place on Wedensday Apr 18th between 0800- 1400 hrs.
- Closing and award ceremony will take place Wedensday Apr 18th at 1530 hrs.
- Later in the evening, there will be a gala dinner by invitation.
- Accommodation in Tornio is pre-booked. The Organizer committee need to know the numbers of competitors, experts, members of official delegations, guests and VIP’s from each country as soon as possible and within the end of week 4/2018 (Feb 18th).
- Lappia has signed agreements with several local sponsors as contributors to the competition, and there are more to come.
- The Tornio City Council are aware of the competition in April/18.
- The Organizer Committee has calculated with ONE competitor in all trades. All together more than 50 competitors.
- Kari informed that Sweden would inform the Organizer Committee and AS18 in which trades they will compete.
- The trade, Car body repair was discussed at the meeting. Lappia has a paint cabin. Competitors could bring their own gear. We need to find a FI and a SW competitor. Joakim is responsible for this matter.
- Lower age limit in ArcticSkills should be set to the age of 16-17. This will be decided at the next Board meeting.
Upper age limit is still 22 years. - It is not possible for a student to participate twice in AS.
Antti, Kari and Robert agreed upon a meeting in early December (in the period 11th -15th) between the leader of the Organizer Committee, the Project manager, the Consultants and the Headmasters of the Swedish schools to discuss ArcticSkills 2018. Theme of meeting will be funding’s, participation and the future. Invitation to the meeting in Tornio/Haparanda is sent to relevant meeting participants.