Dear partners
The Kolarctic application is now aproved by MA. Øystein signed the Grant contract right after it appeared on his desk. What a great Christmas present it was be for all of us!!

During the last weeks ArcticSkills has received good news from our benefactors. We have got a grant from the Norwegian Barents Secretariat, The Branch office of Kolarctic in Finnmark has approved the grant for Kirkenes, and we have got an approved Budget from the MA in Rovaniemi. These documents put together indicate more precisely about each partners financing and eligible costs, and also make it likely that the start date of ArcticSkills will be set to January 1. 2020. Robert and I will inform you about the terms in the Grant Contract later.
With these news, I join you all in the best wishes for the Christmas and New Year’s Holidays. We should all tank each other for efforts and progress made this year, and we are all very grateful to Riikka and Linda for their patient and wise guidance so far in the project.
Best wishes from Trond

Trond Hansen
Project consultant