Newsletter # 1 AS20

Newsletter # 1 AS20 cover the period from April to September 2019.
For detailed information and minutes, please visit the website.
Board meetings April – September
The Kolarctic CBC application
News from the expert meeting in Övertorneå
ArcticSkills 2020 – preparations and timetable
AS 20 Competiton programme
Competances in AS 2020
Murmansk Business Week
Expert list
Board-meetings – agenda
9th April 2019 Kirkenes,
- Status of the Kolarctic CBC application
- Information about the process of appointing a project leader
- Exchange of trainees 2020. The planning process
- Including REDU, Utbildning Nord and Gränsälvsgymnasiet to the partnership. Signing a new agreement.
- Participation in Murmansk Businessweek November 2019. Elena Zubritskaya
- Introduction of new competencies in the championship of the movement “Arctic Skills”. (The experience of the regional college network). Svetlana Semenova, assistant principal of Murmansk industrial college
- Presentation of the hosts of ArcticSkills 2020, Leif Lahti, principal of Utbildning Nord
20th June 2019 Övertorneå, topics:
- Signing a new partnership agreement.
- Presentation of the project manager
- Excursion on the campus of Utbildning Nord and Gränsälvsgymnasiet
- Evaluation of ArcticSkills 19 in Kirkenes
- AS 2020 – Preliminary plans for next year’s tournament. Dates, preliminary plans for the jubilee etc.
- Possibilities of participation from other colleges in Norrbotten?
- 12:00 Lunch
- Expansion of competencies in AS?
- Expansion of partnership
- Preliminary planning of Students exchange
- How can we plan for close cooperation and support between the local organizers and the Lead partner? Øystein – a short brief according to former decisions.
- Preliminary
Budget? Trond
24th September 2019 Övertorneå, topics:
- Discussion and signing of the partnership agreement according to Kolarctic commitments
- Budget AS 20
- How can we plan for close cooperation and support between the local organizers and the Lead partner?
- Final clarifications before signing Grant contract with MA
- Participation in Murmansk Business Week
- Murmansk business week – status of planning? Elena Zubritskaya
- Other matters to be discussed?
AS 2020 – Preliminary plans for next year’s tournament.
- Date
- Following up new competencies. The board’s decision in June:
“Following competencies were proposed:
Torndalsskolan: Young entrepreneurship in a cross border context
Lappia: Bakery
Murmansk: Photo
The Board decided that the proposals must be presented in the next meeting in a more detailed description of content and responsibilities”
The Kolarctic
CBC application
At our last Board meeting in Övertorneå, we had the pleasure to meet
RIIKKA OITTINEN, Kolarctic MA who gave us an updated presentation of Kolarctic
and examples of other Kolarctic projects. We also met the Norwegian Kolarctic
representative in Vadsø, LINDA MOSAND . The Kolarcic representatives, Trond,
and Robert from our project had a budget meeting at the same time as the Board
meeting took place.
Since this Spring we have worked intensively with the application to The
Kolarctic Cross Border Cooperation (CBC) program. The application was first submitted
on the 20th of December 2018. If we succeed to get the grant,
ArcticSkills will enter a three years project period with new challenges,
better financing and a more professional administration structure. It is
important to notice that a grant will have effect from next years’ Tournament in Övertorneå, The grant
will be signed in the end of this year, and will mark the start of the new
ArcticSkills are invited to a Kolarctic get-together event in Luleå at the end
of November. The Lead partner and the partners are invited to participate.
Trond and Robert will be participating from the Lead partners side.
News from the meeting between experts Övertorneå, 24th of September
The meeting was a success, although we missed the Finnish experts due their preparation for the FinnSkills 2020. In spite of that, we managed to discuss most of the tasks and criterias for AS20, and the experts got an impression of the arenas for the competition. These meetings are also arenas for social networking, and continued cooperation. Most of the networks want to continue the work with the tasks by e-mail or phone, but if necessary, they can arrange meetings in person.
ArcticSkills 2020. Status of preparations.
The Board has in cooperation with Utbilding Nord made a final decision of the program for the Tournament in March/April:
- Monday March 30th, travel day and preparations
for the competition at the competition sites.
Opening Ceremony,
all competitors, experts, staff, guests and the Board members are invited.- Tuesdag March 31st, Competiton, full day.
Closing ceremony and banquet,
all competitors, experts, staff, guests and the Board members are invited.
- Wednesday April 1st, Travel day
- Tuesdag March 31st, Competiton, full day.
The competition program in Øvertorneå 2020.
The program for the competitions has been presented in former newsletters.
For more detailed information, we invite you to check the information from the
meeting between the experts on our website. Anyway, here is a reminder:
Existing competitions
- Building constructions
- Car painting
- Cooks
- Electrician
- Hairdresser
- Heavy machinery operator
- Decorative painting of interiors
- IT-service
- Motor vehicle mechanic, light-duty vehicles
- Plumber
- Reindeer operations
- Welder
- Duodji
- Health and social care ( team competition from 2019)
- Waiter
- Tourism
Modified competitions/New competitions/Demonstration 2020
- Photo
Murmansk Business Week (MBW).
MBW will take place in Murmansk in the period of
December 8th to 11th 2019.
The Board is very grateful for the invitation to MBW and has accepted the
The project is planning to arrange a meeting in the same period as MBW take place. Members of the Board and others are therefor encouraged to participate in MBW.
Currently, Elena Zubritskaya, Elena Rudnik, Sanna Laihinen, Antti Pävärintä and Elle-Maaret Näkkäläjärvi have confirmed that they can participate in MBW and the meeting. The Chairman will likely be busy with another meeting in Troms/Finnmark at the same time, and will proably not be present in Murmansk.
The Board members are called upon to inform the Chairman if they can participate in MBW and the planned meeting or not as soon as possible.
Feedback is to be sent to:
Deadline is set to October 18th 2019.