The meeting was held on Teams and everyone participated online from their own places due to the COVID19 situation. It was a good solution when the borders are closed.
Övertorneå 2020
YRKESTÄVLINGEN ARCTICSKILLS I ÖVERTORNEÅ STÄLLS IN! Nordnorge införde först reseförbud för alla skolor och även skolorna i finska Inari har infört reseförbud. Det fick konsekvenser i Övertorneå – tävlingsledningen för yrkestävlingen ArcticSkills ställer in tävlingen i Övertorneå. Igår kom även beslutet att skolorna i Nordnorge stänger från måndag. Den 30 […]
Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen The Chair in coorporation with the Lead partner and Utbilding Nord has decided to cancell ArcticSkills 2020 competition because of coronavirus disease. We will give you more information as soon as we have sorted out more details. Please inform your experts, students and partners involved […]
Dear partners The Kolarctic application is now aproved by MA. Øystein signed the Grant contract right after it appeared on his desk. What a great Christmas present it was be for all of us!! During the last weeks ArcticSkills has received good news from our benefactors. We have got a […]
Newsletter # 1 AS20 Newsletter # 1 AS20 cover the period from April to September 2019. For detailed information and minutes, please visit the website. Board meetings April – September The Kolarctic CBC application News from the expert meeting in Övertorneå ArcticSkills 2020 – preparations and timetable AS 20 Competiton […]